Babuk ransomware was first seen in early 2021. It attacked at least five big enterprises including Washington D.C Police Department, with one enterprise paying criminals eighty-five thousand dollars. Babuk is not protected or obfuscated and does not use any packers.
Babuk uses some techniques similar to Conti and REvil ransomware. It uses SHA256 hashing, ChaCha8 encryption, Elliptic-curve Diffie Helmen key generation, and an exchange algorithm to protect the key from the victim. It can also be spread via the network.
Ransomware Note:
Figure 1: Ransomware Note
For reversing downloaded the sample from the Malware Bazar
sha256: 8203c2f00ecd3ae960cb3247a7d7bfb35e55c38939607c85dbdb5c92f0495fa9
md5: e10713a4a5f635767dcd54d609bed977
Virus Total Report:
Figure 2: Virus Total result
For our attempt to reverse engineer Malware, Ghidra and radara2 were used. The reversed repository can be found in Stupa’s GitHub repository.
Figure 3: Babuk info extraction
The malware is a 32-bit portable executable (PE) file that is not obfuscated at all.
From the entropy level, we can examine that the file is not compressed/obfuscated. As shown in figure 2, the maximum entropy reaches only 0.77 at offset 25510.
Entropy: Informational density or randomness of the content of a file. Compresses and encrypted files have higher entropy.
Argument parsing:
To begin with, “entry” function was investigated.
Figure 4: Entry function
The malware checks for the arguments provided via the command line using the function “GetCommandLineA” as shown in figure5.
Figure 5: Argument parsing
If the command line parameter is “null”, then malware encrypts locally and then network.
CMD Arguments | Functionality |
-lanfirst | Encrypts locally (value == 1), and if parameter == NULL |
-lansecond | Encrypt locally and then network (value == 0) |
-nolan | Only encrypt locally. (value == -1) |
The malware is quite flexible with these command-line arguments to be set as per the attacker’s intention and TTP and encrypting the mounted folder before or after the local disk. The ability to use parameters provides attackers with a simple approach to encrypting network resources.
The malware looks for these three switches as shown in table1 in all command-line arguments and overrides the behavior mode based on the last valid argument. The malware authors do not use a "break" instruction to terminate the argument loop, For example, "babuk.exe -lanfirst –nolan", prevents the ransomware from encrypting the network as "-nolan" overrides the "-lanfirst" behavior mode.
Preventing Shutdown:
Figure 6: Shutdown parameter
Furthermore, the malware also appears to use the function “SetProcessShutdownParameters” to set the shutdown level to 0. This forces Operating System (OS) on the victim’s device to pop up a warning message during the shutdown process so that users need to shut down the OS manually.
Figure 7: Terminating services and processes, deleting recycle bin
Terminating Services:
Not only-but also, the malware is developed to terminate all services (as shown in the table below) hardcoded in malware before encryption.
We observed that the ransomware calls the “Service Control Manager” using the function “OpenSCManagerA”. This enumerates the status of running services in the target system, retrieves the name and status of each dependent service, and sends stop control to dependent services using ControlService(SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP). For this it uses the functions “OpenSCManagerA”, “OpenServiceA”, “QueryServiceStatusEX,” “EnumDependentServiceA”,
“ControlService.” As shown in figure8
Figure 8: Enumerating and terminating services
Terminating Processes:
Consequently, the malware then proceeds to terminate the system processes (if running) that are hardcoded in the malware. As a result, it also is designed to terminate the dependent processes (where required).
To achieve this, the malware uses functions “CreateToolhelp32Snapshot”, “Process32FirstW”, “Process32NextW” as shown in figure9. And finally, call TerminateProcess to terminate processes.
Figure 9: Terminating processes
Following is the list of the processes that are closed.
sql.exe, oracle.exe, ocssd.exe, dbsnmp.exe, synctime.exe, agntsvc.exe, isqlplussvc.exe, xfssvccon.exe, mydesktopservice.exe, ocautoupds.exe, encsvc.exe, firefox.exe, tbirdconfig.exe, mydesktopqos.exe, ocomm.exe, dbeng50.exe, sqbcoreservice.exe, excel.exe, infopath.exe, msaccess.exe, mspub.exe, onenote.exe, outlook.exe, powerpnt.exe, steam.exe, thebat.exe, thunderbird.exe, visio.exe, winword.exe, wordpad.exe, notepad.exe |
Deleting Shadow Volume:
As part of the sequence, the next action the malware undertakes is deleting the shadow volumes of the victim machine. To do so, it first checks whether the target OS is 32-bit or 64-bit using the function “IsWow64Process” in a dynamic shell. It then is called "Wow64RevertWow64FsRedirection" to disable and then enable file system redirection.
Then it calls “ShellExecuteW” to execute the command as shown in figure10.
cmd.exe /c vssadmin.exe delete shadows /all /quiet
Figure 10: Deleting shadow copies
Babuk deleted the shadow copies before and after the encryption
Babuk empties the content of recycle bin using the function SHEmptyRecycleBinA before and after the encryption.
Jumping around the graphs just to do simple multiplication, this is where ECC (Elliptic curve cryptography) gets its strength.
Figure 11: Generating ChaCha8 keys
Figure 12: Generating ChaCha8 keys
Keys Generation:
At the very beginning, Babuk generates four random buffers using the function “RtlGenRandom” as shown in figure13. Among which, two are used as ChaCha8 keys and the other two as ChaCha8 nonces (number used only once).
Figure 13: Generating Keys and Nonces
Next action is to encrypt the second key using the first key and first nonce and after that, the first key is encrypted using the encrypted second key and nonce This encrypted first key is treated as the Elliptic-curve Diffie-Hellman (ECDH) private key for the victim machine. Then it generates the victim ECDH public key using the private key. Again, after that, it generates a shared secret using the victim’s private key and the author’s hard-coded public key. The shared secret is then passed to the sha256 hashing algorithm to generate two ChaCha8 keys to encrypt the files. The pictorial representation for encryption is shown in figure14.
Figure 14: Encryption and decryption of mind map
Only the author can decrypt the files as they have a private key. Babuk saves the ECDH public key in the local directory as “C:\\Users\\%username%\\Appdata\\ecdh_pub_k.bin”
After keys generation it uses function “encrypt_main” for the encryption.
Figure 15: Main encryption
Directory Traversing:
Babuk uses a recursive technique to traverse the directory and encrypt the files. It uses functions “WNetOpenEnumW” and “WNetEnumResourceW” as shown in figure16to start an enumeration of network resources (remote directory) or existing connections.
Figure 16: Main encryption function
As shown in Figure 17, in the function “directory_traversing,” it uses functions “FindFirstFileW” and “FindNextFileW” to search a directory for a file or subdirectory with a name that matches a specific name. It creates a “How to restore your Files.txt” to instruct the victim in paying the ransom and decrypting files.
Figure17: Directory of traversing
To avoid encrypting the ransomware note (How to Restore Your Files.txt) or encrypted file, it checks if the file name is “How to Restore Your Files.txt” or the extension is. __NIST_K571__ using function “lstrcmpW”.
The interesting thing about Babuk is it only encrypts 16 directory layers deep. For example, we have a directory path as C:\Users\Stupa\Desktop\Project1\<….....>\Project13\Project14. Babuk only encrypts up to Project13 directory leaving Project14.
Killing File Ownership:
Files that are being used by some processes cannot be encrypted until the process leaves the file. To achieve so, Babuk uses Windows Restart Manager to terminate the processes that are using those files (Aka kills ownership of files). As per figure18, it uses the functions “RmStartSession”, ”RmRegisterResource", “RmGetList” and “TerminateProcess” to terminate the processes.
Figure18: killing file ownership
File Encryption:
Another interesting thing about Babuk is that it uses function “GetFileSizeEx” to divide the whole encryption of files into two parts, less than and greater than or equals to ~41Mb (41943041 bytes) as shown in figure19.
Figure19: Smaller & larger file encryption
For the smaller size file, it is mapped entirely and encrypted with ChaCha8 two times.
For the larger file size, the entire file is divided into three equal chunks and first, ~10Mb (10485760 bytes) of each chunk are encrypted two times using ChaCha8.
Although the ransomware does not use any packer or obfuscation technique and had limited coding experience, the ransomware uses a strong encryption mechanism like ECDH which is the main strength of the ransomware due to which attackers can compromise various big business organizations.
Yara Rule:
rule babuk-ransomware
description = "For babuk Ransomware"
author = "Er.Manoj Ghimire:Stupa"
malware-family = “Ransom:Win/Babuk”
hash = "8203c2f00ecd3ae960cb3247a7d7bfb35e55c38939607c85dbdb5c92f0495fa9"
$string1 = "BY BABUK LOCKER"
$string2 = "http://babukq4e2p4wu4iq.onion"
$string3 = "-lanfirst"
$string4 = "-lansecond"
$string5 = "-nolan"
$gen_randomnumber = {55 8b ec 83 ec 08 68 c0 81 40 00 ff 15 5c 90 40 00 68 54 17 40 00 ff 15 38 90 40 00 89 45 fc 68 64 17 40 00 8b 45 fc 50 ff 15 34 90 40 00 89 45 f8 6a 58 68 d8 81 40 00 ff 55 f8 8b e5 5d c3 cc}
$ecdh_generate_keys = {55 8b ec 83 ec 08 68 50 18 40 00 68 08 18 40 00 8b 45 08 83 c0 48 50 8b 4d 08 51 e8 10 07 00 00 83 c4 10 8b 55 0c 52 e8 94 02 00 00 83 c4 04 3d 1d 01 00 00 7d 06 33 c0 eb 5d eb 5b 68 98 18 40 00 e8 7a 02 00 00 83 c4 04 89 45 f8 8b 45 f8 83 e8 01 89 45 fc eb 09 8b 4d fc 83 c1 01 89 4d fc 81 7d fc 40 02 00 00 7d 12 8b 55 fc 52 8b 45 0c 50 e8 ba 00 00 00 83 c4 08 eb dc 8b 4d 0c 51 8b 55 08 83 c2 48 52 8b 45 08 50 e8 f1 09 00 00 83 c4 0c b8 01 00 00 00 8b e5 5d c3 cc cc cc cc cc}
$public_key = {8d 85 f4 fd ff ff 50 68 88 22 40 00 ff 15 6c 90 40 00 68 98 22 40 00 8d 8d f4 fd ff ff 51 ff}
$restore_file = {cc 21 40 00 8d 95 d4 fd ff ff 52 ff 15 40 90 40}
$extension = {8d 94 4d d4 fd ff ff 52 ff}
uint16(0) == 0x5A4D and all ($string*) and $gen_randomnumber and $ecdh_generate_keys and $public_key and $restore_file and $extension
Basic Cyber Hygiene to Avoid Ransomware:
Despite cyber security hygiene guidelines not being unfamiliar, they are frequently disregarded by businesses, even though they have a considerable influence on many areas. The basic preventive measures are listed below:
Keep your device updated – Ensure that you act on the software update prompts without delay.
Beware of suspicious emails - Phishing emails are used for spreading Ransomware.
Protect your devices from rogue software – Always download from a genuine source.
Always backup your data – Use Cloud drives (Google Drive, One Drive, Dropbox, etc), External Hard Disk Drive, etc.
Ensure you protect your device with Antivirus/Anti-malware – Keep it up to date!
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